When I realized I needed a tagline, I racked my brain for something that would incorporate everything I wished to share on my blog. I started with “Random Beautiful Things” but didn’t feel like it was inclusive enough of what I wanted my blog to be about. I rewrote it to read “Random Beautiful Things From the Life of a Hedonist”. I think this statement better embodies not only my blog but me as a person and my life. I love beautiful things and am constantly in search of; and am awed by all the beauty that is around and the time and effort that is put in to create beauty. Above all else, I’m a hedonist and everything I do is done in a pursuit to enjoy life. I know it’s trite to say but I really believe that everyone should be able to have all the most wonderful experiences and all the nicest things. After all, we only have this one experience and if you don’t spoil yourself, then who will?

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